On 07/08/2015 10:02, Paul Norman wrote:
On 8/6/2015 2:07 PM, Antje wrote:
Forking the map style with stronger British road colours and then
getting that forked road style onto the main site once the default
style goes “international”.

After all, we didn’t call it “open” for nothing!
I'd approach this with caution, for two reasons

The first is that developing a new render style is one of the items more
disagreed with. Providing server space would be necessary for others to
host the tile layer so others can view it without installing it
themselves, and this was also a disagreed item. On the other hand, this
is a fairly well defined technical task, while items like raise
awareness and encourage more mappers are fairly fuzzy and harder to
define clear actions for.

Just an (anec)data point here. One of OSM's strongest selling points among the "ordinary" (non-map-geek) web community in the UK at the moment is the fact that, unlike Google, it uses the "correct" colours for roads. Google's own change to the orange-and-grey colour scheme generated huge opposition from many UK-based users. So the current OSM colour scheme is itself doing a very good job of raising awareness of OSM.

If there are plans to move OSM to an "international" colour scheme globally as well, then that advantage will be lost unless there is an easy option to use a UK-style overlay. So yes, I do think that a UK colour scheme should be a very high priority.


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