Hi all, new mapper with a question about the place=* tag.

I noticed my town (population 6,000+) was tagged as place=village, so I looked at the wiki and also other places in my council area before making any changes.

The wiki gives a suggestion to go by population: city > 100,000; town > 10,000; village < 10,000, > 200. But if we do that there will surely be differences when compared to how these places are commonly or legally perceived?

In Scotland, only four cities are above 100,000: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_and_cities_in_Scotland_by_population - so should Perth, Inverness and Stirling be downgraded to towns in OSM? Currently Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy are tagged (wrongly IMO) as cities - should they be changed to towns?

Same goes for towns/villages - I've seen places tagged as villages when smaller places are marked as towns. Or places which Wikipedia refers to as villages, but are tagged as towns and vice-versa.

So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities? Only by population, or do we also take into account their generally accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?


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