On 16 March 2016 at 01:29, Dave F <davefoxfa...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> On 15/03/2016 23:27, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
>>   (Most of the datasets on http://www.rowmaps.com/ still say
>> they're under the old OS OpenData Licence.)
> If you click through on the opendata hyperlink it states it's OGLV3. At
> least on the ones I've checked.

On the ones I've seen, that's because OS have put a redirect on
to take people to
. Given that they don't own all the rights to the PRoW data, and
there's no upgrade clause in their OS-OpenData-Licence, I don't see
how they would have the power to unilaterally re-licence PRoW data
released by councils. So if the link text says "OS OpenData Licence" I
think we have to assume that that's the licence the data was released
under, regardless of where the link takes you now.

Of course, RoWMaps might be out of date, and the council might have
re-licensed their data now, but this would need to be checked.


Robert Whittaker

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