Dear all,

my name is Stefano, and I am a lecturer in geography at the University of 
Leicester. Volunteered geographic information and OSM have been one of my 
research interests for a few years now. I have also done some very minor 
contributions to OSM myself, but never in London and I am not very familiar 
with the London OSM community.

As I have been recently looking at some aspects data production and quality of 
OSM in London, and I was wondering whether any of you might have some time to 
help me out in interpreting some of the data… I have a couple of maps that can 
use some local expertise to make sense of them. :)

In particular, I am looking at the relationship between feature density and 
number of edits per features (among other things). It looks like there are 
areas of London with consistently high density but low average number of edits 
per features. I was wondering whether this might be the result of local 
projects or mapathons organised by the community? Or might there be (and most 
probably there are) other reasons I am overlooking?

If you are interested, please contact me: at<>

All the best,

Dr Stefano De Sabbata
Lecturer in Quantitative Geography
Department of Geography,
University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
t: +44 (0)116 252 3812
twitter: @maps4thought<>

Research Associate
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford<>
Information Geographies<>
Connectivity, Inclusion, and Inequality<>


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