Carto-CSS without a doubt is the easiest; native Mapnik styles become
cumbersome fairly rapidly.

You will be best off using Kosmtik for visualising the style: see
switch2osm for installation instructions. TileMill only supports an old
version of Mapnik. Andy's instructions for running under Windows (recent
diary post) might also be of interest.


On 23 January 2018 at 13:21, Jez Nicholson <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am currently working with mapnik to render Ordnance Survey VectorMap
> District.
> Which is the 'best' stylesheet format to use? Mapnik XML or CartoCSS or
> a.n.other?
> I see that's styles are in CartoCSS at https://github.
> com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto so that might answer my question.
> The mapnik web site only appears to refer to XML (unless i'm mistaken).
> Regards,
>              Jez
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