On 13/03/2018 12:58, Dave F wrote:

Robert Whittaker has recently performed an edit across England & Wales to update Schools ref:edubase code.


As well as the reference, he's amended some of the names in OSM as listed in the database. I think this is wrong. Similar to shops & street names etc I believe we should should be using the names displayed on the ground.

I think you'll find that the displayed names are the official ones, and hence the same as in Edubase. I've just checked all the schools that I'm personally familiar with in my area, and the name shown on OSM is the name that the school has on its name board. I appreciate that's a small sample, but it's 100% right on that sample. If you can find cases where the school's displayed name differs from the OSM name, then by all means edit it to reflect the displayed name. But I don't think that's a good enough reason to revert this bulk edit.

Part of the issue is that schools do change their names quite often, particularly when converting to academies, but the old name tends to persist in popular usage for some time. Popular usage, though is not what's "displayed on the ground" - for that, we have to go by what the school has put on its own name board. And they are, generally, very good at changing the name boards to reflect any changes in their official name.


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