I realise I'm going a bit OT here and this is more a dev topic, but  while 
we're on this topic, I'm just wondering whether it possible to authenticate via 
OSM OAuth from an app directly? StreetComplete calls the login page of OSM by 
invoking the web browser.

I'm guessing the answer might be no because OAuth generally requires a callback 
URL, however there do seem to be a few OAuth 1.x libraries for Android out 

Just wondering as I have my own app (geared at UK walkers contributing to OSM) 
which will ask users to authenticate with OSM and it would be nicer if it could 
be done in-app.



From: Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com>
Sent: 01 May 2018 15:42:10
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Implicit speed limits: What to tag in built-up areas?

On 01/05/2018 12:43, David Woolley wrote:
> On 01/05/18 12:23, David Woolley wrote:
>> I don't know about your tool, but it is essential that every user has
>> an explicit personal account with OSM, and that they are set up to
>> receive emails if people add changeset comments, or post messages to
>> their OSM account. maps.me has a high incidence of people who seem
>> not to notice changeset comments.
> In particular, apps need to be able to recognize that there is a 0
> hour block on a user and allow them to access the changeset comments
> to see the reason, and remove the block.  I don't know how the API
> distinguishes administrative blocks from other failures.

 From a DWG perspective, I don't think we're ever been asked to or
needed to "0-hour block" a Street Complete user.  They know what OSM is,
know what they signed up for and are aware that it's a community and
that people might contact them about their edits.

We have had to block users of other problem apps - in one notable case
because a "surveying" app added the same data, many times, at the same
(incorrect) latitude each time (forming a nice ring just south of the
equator).  Other users of "map" apps sometimes don't understand what OSM
is at all; they don't realise that when they "add a note" they're adding
a note to OSM, not just to their personal map.  That's an issue with the
apps concerned though, and doesn't apply to Street Complete.

Best Regards,


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