Hi all,

Following up on this thread about tools to support solar mapping -
just to say that thanks to Sylwia Mielnicka there's a map of
I think this is going to get set up to run daily updates or similar.
Discussion forum:

There's also a chance that we can get this at higher granularity (for
England and Wales) at least, by using LSOAs rather than postcode
districts. Another person has said they'll have a go at merging the
two granularities.


Op do 23 mei 2019 om 08:57 schreef Dan S <danstowell+...@gmail.com>:
> Hi
> Related to the idea of solar panel mapping, I've had a request for
> info about what sort of software tools might help support this work.
> We might be using some of the familiar tools (e.g. streetcomplete,
> openinframap, ... even tasking manager?).
> It'd be useful to have something like
> completeness-by-postcode-district. Unlike Robert's postbox tools, we
> don't have any official ID numbers for the items-to-map, we just have
> some official stats (to be taken with a pinch of salt) about how many
> are in each postcode district - but still, that could be a start.
> I'd also be interested in some tool that predicts where to look, which
> might be based on analysing imagery, but perhaps more realistically
> based on some mix of heuristics and official data.
> Any thoughts?
> Best
> Dan

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