On 2019-11-15 22:26, Mark Goodge wrote:

> On 15/11/2019 18:38, Owen Boswarva wrote: 
>> Hi Steve,
>> Do you mean this? https://visual.parliament.uk/msoanames
>> Recently completed, but the House of Commons Library did request suggested 
>> names back in January when it was in draft.
> The problem with census areas, at any level, is that they don't necessarily 
> coincide with the way that people actually perceive their neighbourhoods.

Just so. That website explains that the goal of these MSOAs is to divide
the country into chunks with 7-10000 inhabitants. These areas didn't
have names. Now they are naming the areas retrospectively. Any
correlation between the MSOA boundaries and "neighbourhoods" is "purely
coincidental" as they say. 

"Because MSOAs are a statistical geography designed to divide the
country into nearly-equal units, they do not always reflect ordinary
borders of settlements. So they don't always align with the natural
boundaries of a town or a neighbourhood. The names chosen, with your
help, are aimed at finding the best-fitting name for an area. In some
cases, no ideal name exists and the name chosen is a "least worst
option". For instance, sometimes an MSOA is named after a neighbourhood,
even though a small portion of that neighbourhood lies outside of the
MSOA's boundaries."
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