I was not thinking of osmAnd since I'm still a couple of weeks away from even being able to use it. Blackberry users (pre-10) get no fun.

The maintenance is easier using Points, deleting them does not wipe out a structure as an area would. For shops that move a bit about and open up and close down quickly I see points as the perfect solution.

I save areas for more permanent fixtures like schools which will be there for decades.

Luckily I think bars/clubs are at the extreme end of the spectrum, their time to live is very small, most shops outlast them, even if some only by a dogs breath.

As for "us" maintaining it, the prudent thing is to outsource it to the associations themselves surely, as far as we are able to!


Þann 30.9.2013 16:43, skrifaði Karl Palsson:
On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 02:28:09PM +0100, Jóhannes Birgir Jensson wrote:
Er ekki málið að allar verslanir séu merktar sem POI (en ekki area?).
No.  It's been said repeatedly not to change the map to deal with software that 
can't handle things.
If osmAnd and friends can't show me "nearby shops" when they are areas, then 
the right thing to do is
fix osmand!

Of course, I'm guilty of doing this for all the bars/clubs, mostly because they 
points were there long
before the areas were, and if you delete a point and replace it with an area, 
you lose any foreign key
mapping that an external application may have had :)

The other reason I've done this is because there wasn't any good way (when I 
started) of placing multiple
types on the same area, for things like hotels and the hotel bar and the hotel 

Finally, really?! You're going to maintain _every_ shop in town as a PoI? It's 
difficult enough staying
on top of the bars!

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