I am still working to connect e-Stat data together into a shapefile of
postal boundaries in Japan. I have found myself encountering data from
services that use the navitime.co.jp mapping platform. These coordinates
seem to employ an unusual datum. There are some references on the web to it
being the Tokyo Datum, and the constants present in some of the navitime
code <https://gist.github.com/sbma44/49354581f45d3c7e10a9> indicate the
Bessel Ellipsoid, which supports this idea.

However, there are some strange aspects to these coordinates, such as
multiplying them by constants like 1E3 * Math.PI / 648E3. I have been
unable to successfully transform them into a known coordinate system. Does
anyone have experience with the coordinate system used by the Navitime API?

Here's a link to a CSV file of coordinates and post codes:

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