Hi guys,

Just happened to read this digest when I saw this.
I am not an expert on the local internet infrastructure but from the people I have talked to, what I understand is, PLDT owns it all and anyone else gets routed out of the country first before coming back in. There is a service of PLDT called invitro where PLDT is directly connected to all local ISPs. It's not cheap to say the least. If you want to figure out the logistics and pricing I can put you in touch with Wilson Chua who runs a datacenter here and Bitstop Networking Solutions.

Is there an actual connection issue with loading the FR server. What is the latency from various ISPs here in the Philippines? Could it be resolved by running on Amazon Web Services from Singapore? Or perhaps renting physical servers from Rackspace in Hong Kong?

Would we want to do it the NGO way via working out a partnership with Smart/PLDT/ or Globe or go at it the retail customer way and asking for the best discount possible. Lots of scenarios are possible but what is actually needed?


On 9/15/12 8:49 AM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
Hello Mike,

Your proposal is actually interesting.

However, I am not actually aware of anyone in the OSMPH community who
is experienced enough with running and maintaining a server here in
the Philippines. The usual strategy I know is that people buy hosting
services from data centers in located the United States.

Also, I am not familiar with the state of the Internet backbone in the
Philippines (PHNET). I'm not 100% sure but I've read of stories where
if you want to access a local server in the Philippines, you might
sometimes get routed first to the United States depending on which
Internet Service Provider you are currently on so having a local
server might not actually help with any netowrk latency issues that
OSM France's solution hopes to solve.

Maybe the people from Enthropia Philippines (who is generously
sponsoring the openstreetmap.org.ph website) can provide some input?


On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:28 AM, maning sambale
<emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mike,

Im glad you met Mario in SOTM2012. Also, congrats on finally getting over
with the license change.

On to the topic, I think the idea of a server is good if this can help with
poor connections, especially if it can be used for disaster mapping efforts.
Maybe we can even design our own map style. :-)

Anyway, I know very little about servers so I leave it to others here to
discuss possibilities and challenges on such a project with osm.fr

Maning Sambale (mobile)

On Sep 14, 2012 11:24 PM, "Michael Collinson" <m...@ayeltd.biz> wrote:
Hallo Maning and all and to Mario Baras who was at SOTM 2012 and is on
this list.

I see from Maning's post to the general talk list that he is already
familar with the French http://live.openstreetmap.fr/. Now here is an
interesting thing.  OSM France have also built and are operating a caching
download/proxy upload server for editing.  It down loads diffs every minute.
JOSM users can re-direct their editors to use it instead of the London
server. There is also a way to trick Potlatch into using it. For French and
many European users it provides much better response. When you upload, then
it sends your edit to London. It has been running for 6 months and appears
to work correctly.

And then another thing:  OpenStreetMap France also have funding to do
things. But they cannot spend it in France. Dot, dot, dot.

So I asked Christian Quest, "If there was interest, could they fund a
similar server in the Philippines?" and got a very positive response with
the caveat that a proposal has to be presented to the funding organisation
and they can say yes or no. The proposal could consist of a) server(s), b)
travel by OpenStreetMap France to the Philippines to train (perhaps not
vital but good to create a working relationship) and c) funding to put it in
a high availability data centre.

So, any interest?

In addition to helping poor connections (comments?), I see it as a way to
build up a strong system administration team to complement the mapping
community. The Philippine and Japan communities are probably the strongest
in Asia right now.  I would also suggest that it could be used as a H.O.T
server to be used in natural calamities if anyone is interested in getting
involved there ... that might also improve the chances of funding.


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