With some people you can't have a good conversation !
Everyone worked hard on Romanian map, but some have gone wild ! Sorein is
one guy that you can't have a discussion with him !  Some of us from our
group were taking his side from a point of view, but it's clear that you
can't have something to discuss with this man !  DWG tried and no success !

Now we are "two teams"  in Romanian editors ! One that using "old stuff, or
old point of view"  and one team who maintain the map updated, and made
some small changes to the road structure in a couple of cases because of
routing purposes .  Romanian road network infrastructure is not the same
like in central and western europe ( and we made some adjustments), and
there are a lot of National and County roads that are not paved at all, or
not well. We've downgraded the category, without damaging the routing ,
because all the routing software does not calculate the route with the
quality of paving, and all of them are set default to route on unpaved
roads. More than 80% of users, does not configure the routing parameters in
navigation software, so we've prevented the high routing priority on that
roads !

In words is difficult to understand the scenarious.... but when we meet and
show the roads, the alternatives, and made some tests, all people will
understand !   OSM uses 6 road category for main routing, Here 4 road
category for main routing, TomTom just 3 ! Some navigation software does
not want to adjust routing engine for the 6 road category like in OSM !
IMHO , in OSM there are to many  :D    !!!

For example,  Braila City.... all the streest in that city were Tertiary or
Secondary for a many years !  I was the only one that I've corrected that ,
because like I said, no one is maintaing the map , but some of us, are just
talking most of the time, agains me and Razvan , and nothing new on the map
from them , they are not helping , somehow it's like they are against us,
agains off all the work done in Romanian map, made by all of us !
Maybe there is a problem because me and Razvan are working with and for
Here Maps , and we are using their resources to gather and collect data for
our map ! We are making a double job, one for Here Maps, and one for
OpenStreetMap !
Razvan every day look into the history to check if someone is deleting
relevant data, or by mistake , does something wrong, we are looking for CLC
problems, and examples can go on !  How many of us in talk group are doing
the same ?!?!?!

Now, if a couple of years ago, OSM was a Geographic Book ( Atlas Geografic)
for a lot of people, now the main purpose is Routing Navigation, finding
places, etc....   Now OSM is more than, what some of us are thinking !

Have a good day !

2016-03-18 15:04 GMT+02:00 Jean-Baptiste Holcroft [via GIS] <

> Please have a discussion with data working group : [hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5870165&i=0>
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Data_working_group
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Disputes
> Personal point of view :
>   * a private message, even rude, shouldn't copied in public mailing list,
>   * Romanian contributors should meet more (beer is a good start, vin
> din casa, tuica or visinata is good too), face to face conversation
> prevents problems.
> OSM is a good community project, Romanians are very welcoming people in
> a nice country, there is no reason not to be a success. Keep on fighting.
> (sorry for using English, my Romanian writing is too bad)
> Le 18/03/2016 12:04, Rădulescu Răzvan a écrit :
> >
> > Sorein s-a intors cu ale lui dejectii dintr-un creier bolnav...
> >
> > Asta ca sa vada cui i-e dor de el...
> >
> > -------- Forwarded Message --------
> > Subject: atîta
> > Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 09:12:54 +0200
> > From: cenSORINg <[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5870165&i=1>>
> > To: [hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5870165&i=2>
> >
> >
> >
> > Atîta sănătate să ai tu, țigane, și atîta parte de cine și-e mai drag,
> > după spurcăciunile pe care le debitezi! Rușine să-ți fie, porcule!
> > EU am impus folosirea diacritcelor pe porțiunea românească, porcule!
> > EU i-am speriat pe niște idioți ca tine, care desenau cîte o stradă pe
> > fiecare sens în oraș (dublau toate străzile) și puneau pe hartă toți
> > pomișorii și toate cotețele de găini.
> > Bineînțeles că, fiind niște idioți ca tine și ca ceilalți din gașca
> > ta, ați făcut haită. Asta e lumea în care trăim și pe care voi,
> > gloatele, o împuțiți. Gloatele se înhăitează repede, oamenii cu carte
> > stau împrăștiați. Din cauza voastră o să crape OSM curînd.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Talk-ro mailing list
> > [hidden email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5870165&i=3>
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ro
> --
> Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
> _______________________________________________
> Talk-ro mailing list
> [hidden email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5870165&i=4>
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ro
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Toate cele bune !
Gabriel Sebastian  Moise
Administrator Local - Departament Tehnic
NextGen Communications S.R.L. - Campina

Mobil NextGen  : 076 111 65 59
Mobil Personal : 0726 311 957

Adresa Postala: Strada Grivitei, Nr.63, Campina, Romania !

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