The label role would be a solution, but unfortunately it isn't supported by
the major renderers (afaik). So for the moment we stick with having the
tags on the label node. Since the label is usually fairly obvious, having
separate node and area doesn't usually create too many problems.

So the main reason for change would be to fit in with a some mappers desire
for everything to be tied up neatly in relations. That's not really a good
enough reason. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it.


On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 11:29 PM, Copro Grammes <>wrote:

> Thank you for your answers.
> I was also inclined to add railway=station tag to a node rather than to an
> area. But some French mappers advocate for the 'area' solution, contrary to
> the former version of the wiki, and I've begun to hesitate between both the
> approaches.
> So I was hoping this debate could be settled, but currently this is
> clearly not the case... Doesn't this matter interest anybody else ? Or
> doesn't anybody else have an opinion about this question ?
> >This problem is not know (see place=*). We even already have an
> solution: role "label".
> The role "label" could be interesting, but how can we use it ?
> Did you mean we could create a label relation [1] ? Or did you mean we
> should add a node with the role "label" to the stop_area relation which
> would be tagged railway=station (but the stop_area could also contain a bus
> station, a subway station, etc.) ?
> >For new created objects I only use the new scheme but I do not delete
> the older tags if already tagged but only add the new ones.
> So I think it means you add the "public_transport=station" tag to the
> same node/area which was already tagged "railway=station" (as Roland
> did), doesn'it ?
> Cheers,
> Zigeuner
> [1]
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