Hello everyone,

I will briefly jump into this conversation, as I have mapped quite a few bus 
routes in and around vienna, austria, and amended most Stops there to fit the 
definitions of the pt:v2 from the wiki.

In my view, it would, at least for bus stops, be enough if there was a (bus) 
stop tag (whether highway= or public_transport= can be discussed), on the 
position of the station sign on the sidewalk/platform. Then, an optional way 
(line or polygon) could be added for a real platform (higher or extra sidewalk 
In a route relation, only the stop node (that should then really only ever be a 
node with the station name&local_ref on it) should be part of that.

For the stop_area relations: I put each belonging stops in Vienna into their 
own stop area relations, as some other mapper once wanted to use them for some 
statistical reading of public transport in the city using the API to find the 
stop areas, which obviously is easier if they are already in relations. But in 
my opinion, as it stands, for bus or tram stops, these relations do not make 
that much sense. As any software should be able to find those connections 
between stops with the same name, the stop areas are quite redundent.

For bigger train stations, with differently named bus stops around it, that all 
belong to it in some way, a relation can be useful, but that case is quite 
rare. Usually the stations would have the same name. If I find the time, I 
might also write a tagging/relation sugesstion that would slightly unclutter 
the tagging, but as we know, there have been many such suggestions so far, and 
there is never a 100% consensus. But no harm in discussing it.

Kind Regards
RobinD. (emergency99)
Von: Markus <selfishseaho...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 28. April 2019 16:55:02
An: Public transport/transit/shared taxi related topics
Betreff: Re: [Talk-transit] Ideas for a simplified public transportation scheme

On Sun, 28 Apr 2019 at 16:29, Jarek Piórkowski <ja...@piorkowski.ca> wrote:
> Oh cool - with routing and time estimates and all?

Navigation while travelling doesn't seem to work yet (it says "public
transport navigation is currently in beta"), but it gives you a
preview of the route: walking route, where to get on and off the
vehicle, intermediate stops, estimated walking and driving time and

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