On 11-06-19 18:13, Alexey Zakharenkov via Talk-transit wrote:
Hi, Noémie, Mateusz and others!

I’ve extracted all the generated error messages from our subway validator 
source and list them below with some comments. You’ll see that most of them 
concern topology of a transport network which requires much programming and 
cannot be expressed in terms of MapCSS rules.
Please express your opinion if you consider some checks to be arguable.

Another question:

* Hole in route rails near node n591991832 (relation 366764, "NYCS - G Train")

This seems to happen both to "genuine" holes and where there are very minor route variations, and people didn't bother to put in a second route. E.G. a train route can have it's final station (where it reverses) on either of two tracks. How should we cope with this where something is not a route variation stop-wise, but it is with respect to the track???

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