
let me share some news from Maps.Me PT preprocessor.

1) Fetching data from overpass API has been release. Now only Python 
interpreter is needed to validate transport networks for a city or a small 
country. The scenario with minimum options is:

mkdir /tmp/subway
# generate validation file in json format
python3 process_subways.py --bbox -c "Hamburg S-Bahn" -l 
# generate HTML output
python3 validation_to_html.py /tmp/subway/validation.json /tmp/subway/

2) You can observe a validated PT network scheme on the map. Follow «View on 
the map» link at the preprocessor page: http://osm-subway.maps.me/index.html 
Only networks passed validation are shown. This rough visualization aims 
validation, no high representative quality currently implied.

Bug reports and other feedback is welcome.


>>>> On 29-05-19 17:35, Alexey Zakharenkov via Talk-transit wrote:
>>>>> Hello everybody!
>>>>> I'm a part of team who worries about public transport status in OSM 
>>>>> database, especially rapid transit transport. I want to represent a 
>>>>> public transport validator+generator that somebody might find a useful 
>>>>> facility. It's open source:
>>>>> https://github.com/mapsme/subways
>>>>> Given a list of transport networks it generates output suitable not only 
>>>>> for rendering PT routes but also for routing. Meanwhile it finds errors 
>>>>> like gaps in rail/road sequence in a route, absent/doubling station at a 
>>>>> stop, etc. We run the validator daily and publish the results at
>>>>> http://osm-subway.maps.me
>>>>> The page shows that even large and important subway systems (like New 
>>>>> York Subway) in OSM DB are currently corrupted and therefore unusable for 
>>>>> practical purposes. Difficulties occur not only due to negligent mapping 
>>>>> but also due to misalignment how to map PT. I call you, who is interested 
>>>>> in PT, to use this instrument, evaluate it and give feedback. We're ready 
>>>>> to improve this tool for the community sake and take into account 
>>>>> worthwhile suggestions.
>>>>> Thank you for your attention.
>>>>> I'm ready to answer any questions.

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