Apologies if this has already been discussed. I've only just subscribed to talk-transit. I clicked through the archives a bit, but didn't see anything. Someone recommended I post this question here.

The wiki for public_transport=stop_position states, “If the stop on the public transport route has a defined platform, there is no benefit in adding public_transport=stop_position. In these cases, do not use public_transport=stop_position to avoid duplication of information and confusion.” You can see the wiki page here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:public_transport%3Dstop_position

The conversations on the wiki discussion page seem to agree that stop_position is not needed where a defined platform exists.

I’m mapping railway and light-rail in a metropolitan area. Following the above wiki statement, I have removed stop positions where “defined platforms” are located. My goal is to follow the wiki, to…the…letter. Honestly, I don’t have a preference as to which manner railways are mapped.

Recently, another user has contacted me. This user is unhappy that the stop positions have been removed. I’ve explained that the wiki states, “…do not use public_transport=stop_position to avoid duplication of information and confusion.”

The user who sent me the complaint has directed me to this diagram: 


Is the wiki correct? Are we not using stop_position where a defined platform exists? If this is incorrect, should the wiki be changed?

Again, my only goal is map correctly, 

Thanks :)

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