Hello Mappers,  I have been back on my project since the start of February and 
wanted to give you an update. Actually I needed to in order that I could draw 
some kind of line and get back to the main task in hand. I have seriously fixed 
my merging code, at least enough to handle the transit network and to inherit 
accurately. Trying to render the entire planetary transport network, including 
all roads, on a single tile, is perhaps pushing it a bit. So I will take my new 
publication system, chuck away a huge chunk of needless code currently in use 
for the buses+trains, and get you a working point sand shoot from any altitude 
bus map.  It's about time we made a blog, so here is my post, I saved any other 
historical free thoughts in there too. I hope to have some actual progress on 
the bus map itself, with or without this attempt at high level global road 
views, by then end of April. Stay safe, stay in, and code. The Quest for the 
"Earth Tile"

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The Quest for the "Earth Tile"

I have returned to the project and have spent the last 7 weeks rewriting the 
publication and simplification code...



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