On Fri, 2008-10-24 at 22:09 +1100, Nick Hocking wrote:
>   Can you confirm that any bulk upload of Tiger 2007 date will not
> erase or be overlaid over/under/alongside any existing user edits.  
> On my last US trip I've got about 6000 miles of  gps tracks. I've only
> edited in a few hundred miles of them so far but am reluctant to do
> any more work if the Tiger 2007 data will destroy what I've done so
> far.

Dude.  Chill. :)

I don't know what's going to happen.  I don't even really have working
data to look at, yet.

Let's say there's a county with a single node set to reviewed=yes.  the
rest of the 4 million nodes in the county aren't set as reviewed.  That
county has much improved TIGER data.  Should we leave it alone?  What
about 10 nodes?  100?

We need to answer those questions at some point.  Personally I don't
really care where we draw the line.

> Destroying (or corrupting) existing edits would nullify the current
> efforts by Cloudmade to enhance a US community (IMHO).

Again, let's calm down a little bit.  Were you around for the last
import?  Did you see how I handled data conflicts in that one?  Was
there a problem there that needs fixing this time around?

-- Dave

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