> I'd also be very happy if JOSM flipped the tag for me when I edit a
> tiger object.  It seems reasonable enough that if I'm editing something
> that we can consider it reviewed.  I certainly don't want to have to go
> flip it manually every time I go fixing some minor road details.

Good idea.  (I would personally prefer to be configurable.  Sometimes I
align a road from aerial photo but want to remind myself to actually visit
it later because something in the photo is unclear, so I leave it at

There are two things I do currently to help in the cleanup: search and

In JOSM, you can search on the word "modified" and it will select all
items you modified.  Select the tiger:reviewed tag and delete it.  If any
of the modified items didn't have the tag, it doesn't hurt anything.   And
of course, you can select a rectangular region on the screen and do the
same tag edit.

I also made myself some JOSM tag presets and stick them on the main button
bar.  In each one, I set the tiger:reviewed value to blank, which will
delete the tag if it is there.  Here are some examples of mine:

  <item name="T_Rvw">
      <label text="Flag as Tiger data reviewed" />
      <key key="tiger:reviewed" value="" />
  <item name="Svc_Drvwy">
      <label text="Flag as service=driveway" />
      <key key="highway" value="service" />
      <key key="service" value="driveway" />
      <key key="tiger:reviewed" value="" />
  <item name="M_link">
      <label text="Flag as h=motorway_link,oneway=yes" />
      <key key="highway" value="motorway_link" />
      <key key="oneway" value="yes" />
      <key key="tiger:reviewed" value="" />

and so on.

So before uploading:

<Ctrl-F>modified<Enter><Click T_Rview><Enter>

I wonder if I can shorten that even more?  Hmm...

- Alan

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