On Sat, 2009-04-25 at 19:09 -0700, Russ Nelson wrote:
> I think we need to morph this over to a discussion  of what, exactly,  
> does the absence of tiger:reviewed=no mean?  Does it mean one or all of:
>    o I have travelled the entire length of the way.  It is spatially  
> correct.
>    o I have examined every possible path for a vehicle through every  
> intersection and they are all correct.
>    o I have verified that all of the tags on this way are correct.

Same as any edit, it means "I've improved this in some way."  Given the
vast array of things we can do to improve a point or way there is a lot
of room for variability.  

Given a TIGER interstate junction, is it reasonable to: add nodes to the
ramps to improve the curves; disconnect the node at the overpass and
create a bridge; and split the way into dual carriageway, all from Y!WMS
and call it improved?  Certainly.  Could it still be wrong if the
freeway was realigned after the Y!WMS image was taken?  Sure.  

I'd say any one of those three potential edits is worthy of removing
reviewed:no.  Just disconnecting the overpass from the freeway is a big
topological win.  Improving the curve of the exit ramp is only
decorative from the point of view of topology, but important to us
humans.  (I saw a 270-degree ramp on I-5 that had three nodes.  A
"triangular ramp."  Like Picasso decided to do freeway design for a
week. [1] )  Likewise, splitting the carriageway is important to getting
the map right.  

Must you do all three?  If so shouldn't you have a gpx trace to back it
up, or is aerial imagery good enough?  

So currently, I think removing the reviewed:no means, "I've improved
this" rather than, "I've perfected this."  To encourage or support more
demanding requirements should surely be backed with a tool that reminds
and suggests how to "fix" TIGER.  Not just an anthropomorphized
paperclip asking "Shouldn't your motorway have grade-separated
interchanges?"  Naw, nevermind.  The paperclip is the way to go.  

Best regards,


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