let me ask a simplifying (for me) question.

i want to encourage a group of motorcycling friends to help
update OSM so that it accurately reflects road surface, for roads
that are currently undifferentiated in that regard.  the single
most important thing that needs to be captured is whether the
road is paved or not:  this information is missing (or very
incomplete) in every commercial US map that i've seen.

is it ever wrong to simply add "surface=unpaved"?  and while it
might be also correct to switch to "highway=track", that's an
orthogonal change, right?

p.s.  i'll also be asking my friends to update for road
existence -- many roads from the Tiger set no longer exist in any
form, yet still exist in all the commercial (google, etc) data.

 paul fox, p...@foxharp.boston.ma.us (arlington, ma, where it's 59.0 degrees)

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