For the same reason as doing nodes at a mall or similar.  To know the
stores/services available, not just the type of stuff that is usually there.

If your tagging fast food, why would you not tag the McDonalds in the super
walmart as well?  Or the bank ect.  As for the walmart services themselves,
that can be one node, but with the seprate services listed in tags.


On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Ian Dees <> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 8:17 AM, Kate <> wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Shaun McDonald
>> <> wrote:
>> > Going back to the original question, each shop should be it's own node
>> or
>> > area, thus the problem of multiple names isn't an issue any more. You
>> place
>> > the nodes of the shops roughly where they are within the shopping
>> centre.
>> > If you do have something that has multiple names, you are better stating
>> > what the name is. For example if a bridge has a name, you could use
>> name=
>> > for the street name that runs on top of the bridge, and name:bridge for
>> the
>> > name of the bridge itself. I'm sure there are better examples.
>> > Shaun
>> If we used separate nodes, it could be possible to associated them all
>> together and with the building using a relation.  For the various
>> pieces of a Wal-mart, I would use the "site" relation.
>> -Kate
> Why are we tagging the individual pieces of the building? I would propose
> that we come up with a tag like "box_store" or something that could apply to
> Home Depot, Wal-Mart, etc.* Sure there are other stores inside, but how do
> we tag malls now?
> * Or in the US we could tag it as a church with denomination=consumerism
> :-)
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