
On 7 April 2010 20:12, Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Having said that, I think it is a bad idea to have a bot going through
> and attempting to expand abbreviations.

I ran the bot ([1]) over the west half of the US because me and
another mapper in Portland, OR were tired of correcting the names
manually when a lot of the work could really be automated.
Abbreviations in the TIGER dataset are documented, both English and
Spanish, and the bot bases on the list from TIGER docs (I believe this
should have been done before the import as it has been done in case of
other imports elsewhere in the world).  After Oregon I ran the bot on
the other states because of the comments I got from mappers on IRC.
This was what prompted Val to start the discussion here.  I'm going to
hold off with it according to your comment.  Funnily in an IRC
discussion we concluded that it was nice that at least one thing had
been agreed on in OSM :)

I need to mention that the script is not fully automatic and a lot of
names have been reviewed manually with note= tags added here and
there, where stuff was abbreviated/misspelled beyond recognition.  The
current version knows about a lot of undocumented abbreviations that
appear a lot in TIGER and the most common misspellings -- TIGER is
really bad about consistency.  Surely there are cases of erroneously
expanded names and I'll be fixing them as they're found.


1. http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/utils/import/tiger2osm/expand/

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