On 8 April 2010 01:09, andrzej zaborowski <balr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As for the different segments of
> the name, there are already fields for them which we inherited from
> TIGER, you'll find the "middle" of the name is unmodified in the
> tiger:base_name= tag, the cardinal direction in
> tiger:directional_prefix= and tiger:directional_suffix and the feature
> type (Street, Ave etc) in type:name_type.

Going back to the segmenting discussion, I have been manually
reviewing great numbers of TIGER streets, confirming some of riskier
changes done by the bot and can say with a good confidence that all or
majority of the name_direction_prefix, name_direction_suffix,
name_base and name_type attributes have been automatically generated
from the full name.  It can be seen in the types of errors found in
the segmentation.

One of the more interesting errors is that in areas where there are
only English names, if the name starts or ends with "O", TIGER removed
it from name_base and put it in the prefix or suffix.  That must be
because TIGER is adapted to both English and Spanish, so for it the
cardinal directions are all of N, E, W, S, O, SE, SW, SO, NE, NW, NO.

I've been correcting the ones I found so that the tiger tags can be
used as basis for some unified tags.


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