On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Jeffrey Ollie <j...@ocjtech.us> wrote:
>> Only if you have very very good imagery and know what you are looking
>> at.  In Google's higher resolution imagery you can see them if you
>> know what to look for and then if there's street view imagery
>> available you can confirm.  Obviously you can't trace from Google
>> imagery though.  I'd link to an example on Google if people think
>> that's appropriate.
> Better to find an example on wikimedia commons, or to shoot your own
> example photo.  The line between acceptable planning from a
> proprietary map, and unacceptable deriving data from a proprietary map
> is blurry enough to some.  Why confuse it further?

There are plenty of examples of ground-level photos of civil defense
sirens in the Wikipedia article I linked...  Linking to Google Maps to
provide examples of how civil defense sirens appear in aerial
photography is frowned upon I'm sure.

> I know of a place the tests at 1pm on Tuesday.  Perhaps that should be
> a tag as well?
> man_made=tower
> siren=civil_defense

I was also able to figure out that tagstat would let me do a search,
and I found that there are 8 examples of man_made=siren, mostly in
Europe I think.  man_made=tower makes sense too, if you want to
consider tall wooden poles a tower.

> siren:test= (something based on http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:acces )

Yes, that makes sense as well.

Jeff Ollie

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