At 2010-08-24 20:24, Mike Thompson wrote:
...directional is not necessarily part of the street name.  Attached are
some examples (only one attached now, others were too big) where I
feel that implication is not present.

Based solely on the signage, I'd agree that the directionals should remain part of the name in these cases (and probably this place entirely). Now, the question is "what do the land records show?" What do we do if they disagree, and/or if local knowledge is not conclusive:

...  Also, local residents, businesses and governments sometime
include those directionals when referring to those streets (but not
necessarily all of the time, again, we all like to use short hand at
times when communicating).

This is why I originally suggested leaving the name key as it is currently, and adding new keys for the prefix, root, and an indicator of how the prefix is used (though it requires some more thought to deal with the split decision case).

Alan Mintz <>

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