On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 12:55 AM, Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If you can catch the xapi when it's up,
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Xapi#Child_Element_Predicates might be
> easier. Unfortunately I don't think you can do both [not(tag)] and
> [not(way)], so you'll have to filter in JOSM.

Thanks for this tip. I wasn't sure if the new java XAPI supported
these queries. Turns out it does so I can use my own install. It even
supports using both predicates together but it apparently OR's them
instead of AND'ing them like I would need. But it is entirely
practical, with enough memory, to just use [not(way)] to get all
free-standing nodes in a large area and then create a JOSM filter like
this: "tags:1-999" which filters out all tagged nodes and leaves only
empty/unconnected nodes.

Turns out there are a lot of them. I had the Kansas bbox handy so
that's what I used first. There are just over 2,000. 900 of them are
from this OklaNHD user - all in one small area where an OK watershed
pokes up into KS. 530 of them are from user "NHD edits" and 440 appear
to be from the TIGER import. The last user to touch them is
woodpeck_fixbot who I believe removed all the tags from TIGER nodes
after they were determined to be a nuisance. The rest (150ish) seem to
be incidental. Even found a lonely two last touched (after 4 and 6
revisions) by some user named "NE2" :)

For now I think I will just look for the OklaNHD ones and delete them
as a group to take care of the specific problem that spawned this
thread. Then I may take a look at others.

Again, the take-away here is:


So please be careful. "Oh but *my* import will be better!" No. It
won't. Not unless you put a *lot* of time into checking, testing,
careful and deliberate execution and post-import quality assurance.  A
LOT of boring and monotonous time. Part of the problem may be with the
tools or the OSM platform itself. But that's what we have to work with
right now. Patches welcome, I'm sure :)


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