Can we improve the documentation on the NHD wiki page in terms of the
import process? I've been wanted to add hydrography to my area
(Virginia, HUC_6 02070) for a while now, but have been trying to
obtain local datasets that presumably could be of higher quality. That
doesn't seem to be panning out, so it's back to NHD.

It would be great to mention on the wiki that you're doing this, as
not everyone is on the mailing list. For that matter, it would be
great to consolidate all the tips/suggestions on the wiki:

In the test data you provided I saw a number of objects that didn't
have any tags that weren't in the gnis or nhd namespace (i.e no
waterway tag). Is there use in importing these features? Is the
thinking that maybe in the future we can add sensible tags to these?
IMHO we either leave them out or give them sensible tags, even if this
import is the only one that uses them.

Thanks for the work, looking forward to getting all the waterways in
my area added!


On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Ben Supnik <> wrote:
> Hi Y'all,
> I apologize for going NORDO for a while there. :-(  I have integrated James'
> latest NHD conversion rules.
> Test data:
> The entire process is running now...not sure how long it will take to
> complete - it looks like it could take up to a week to convert all of HUCs.
> If anyone has feedback on that converted set of XML files, please let me
> know, otherwise I'll let it keep running.
> Based on the threads about broken imports that took place over the last few
> weeks, it looks like there is still an additional problem: even given
> pre-converted data, users who want to do a import may get killed when their
> import fails, leaving a splattering of broken nodes all over the place. :-(
> cheers
> ben
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