On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:08 AM, James Mast <rickmastfa...@hotmail.com>wrote:

>  I just happened to notice this guy tonight was going around and editing
> the "ref" tags on highways in the US just to replace the space and put in
> the hyphen.

There's actually a sensible reason for this, at least for Interstate
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Section 2A.13, guidance paragraph
"When an Interstate route is displayed in text form instead of using the
route shield, a hyphen should be used for clarity, such as "I-50.""

Of course, this applies to road signs and not maps, but I still count this
as precedence.  Renderers should ideally tolerate ref tags of the form

David "Smith"
a.k.a. Vid the Kid
a.k.a. Bír'd'in

Does this font make me look fat?
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