On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Steven Johnson <sejohns...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Up to now, we've been talking largely about addresses as point features.
> However, one thing I think would be good to have is block ranges on streets.
> What I mean is a tag that indicates this is the 1000 block, the 1100 block,
> the 1200 block, etc. Rather than being a point feature attached to
> buildings, it would be a tag associated with the way. It would be much
> easier to implement, make the map renderings much more presentable at small
> scales, and provide better address utility than presently exists.

addr:inclusion=potential - The complete range of all possible address
numbers on a block, although there may not physically be enough room
on the block for that range of house numbers. Interpolation data from
US TIGER is an example where Geo-location would only be as near as one


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