On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Ian Dees <ian.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Address range information can be derived from existing TIGER data quite
> simply.

I'm not sure how simple it is.  It's simple in cases where TIGER data
matches up very closely with OSM data.  But that isn't universally
true.  And where it doesn't match up very closely, chances are high
that the TIGER data is out of date or incorrect.

Which brings me to the conclusion that there's no point in importing
TIGER address information.  A geocoder can simply try to find the
address in OSM, and fall back to TIGER if the address isn't in OSM.
Then, once the lat/lon is obtained (possibly from the external TIGER
database), it can simply pass the lat/lon back into OSM for routing
purposes (possibly along with a warning that TIGER data was used,
which is quite likely to be be out of date and/or inaccurate.

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