On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> the difference in speed between the HOV lane and general
> access is frequently in excess of 60 MPH during peak traffic periods
> in sections where the HOV lane is isolated.

Which brings up another point that the speed *limit* may be different
too as well as other attributes of the road. Tagging all this on a
single way (maxspeed:hov, surface:hov, etc ?) seems like a nightmare.
If there are enough distinguishing characteristics between it and the
main road I would say make it its own way.

And FYI I have already seen proposals to map individual lanes within a
single road as areas. Now that's just crazy talk in my opinion but I
guess the Germans have to do something to keep from getting bored.


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