On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 11:35 AM, Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Hillsman, Edward <hills...@cutr.usf.edu>
> wrote:
>> In the interest of figuring out how to attract more people to participate
>> in OSM, I'd like to see some more discussion of this. Is it generally true
>> that people who work on OSM don't like to map subdivisions?

[ ... ]
> Apart from that, I can see why these areas seem to have low priority.
[ ... ]
> Subdivisions make for boring mapping.
[ ... ]
> I see two ways to break this: 1) attract more mappers.

I don't accept that mapping a subdivision is any more-boring or
less-rewarding than other forms of mapping.  The caveat is "as long as
it is your subdivision".  Sure, they might be row upon row of similar
construction, but at least they are row upon of similar construction
full of your friends and neighbours.  That motivates the mapper to put
it on the map and to get it right.

That new, local mapper is most likely to update the map when one field
is converted to a cricket pitch, and when the local convenience store
has a name change a few years down the road.  You can't beat that as a
mapper from a distance.

So, yes.  Attract more mappers, in more places.

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