On 29/11/2012 22:46, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
None of the Iowa data that I am processing originates with the US
Census or TIGER.

Sure, I should have said "big massive ---k-off import" rather than "TIGER". They both look the same from several thousand miles away I'm afraid. :)

As Richard Welty said, the addr:city tag is pretty much required, as
US addresses aren't defined by the boundaries of the city you live in
(or don't live in for rural addresses), but the post office that
delivers your mail.

I can see not including the country or the state, do the various
routing/geocoding engines take advantage of state/country polygons?

I'm pretty sure they do. But regardless, the point is: they could. It's saner to fix (say) Nominatim than it is to import a really huge quantity of redundant data into OSM. If you're determined on doing this, then an extra few days to get it right won't hurt.

You could pretty easily, I think, generate automated post office boundary polygons from the source data, rather than settling for addr:city. If it takes a few extra hours of coding, it's worth it; it'd make it _much_ quicker and easier to add a new house in the future. (One less thing to mistype.)

Similarly, you might have to scratch your head a bit to write the code which expands "St Andrews St" into "St Andrews Street" and not "Street Andrews Street". But it's worth it. Because if you don't do it, the 50 poor sods who write the turn-by-turn voiceover code are going to have to, every time they use your data.

The specifics of what you have to do aren't really my point. I don't know much about the US and even here in Britain I don't have any personal use for addressing, so you shouldn't listen to me on the specifics. What's important is that the ideas get waved around in front of lots of people - and ideally not just on the US list - so that the hive mind can get to work and achieve the best result possible.


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