Hi Serge,

I don't see a license related to this data, only a copyright notice on
> the page. Is there a separate license somewhere that says this data is
> usable?

Like the federal goverment, maps are considered part of the public record
in Mass, and therefor are in the public domain (no copyright). No license
is needed for the data. OSM has already confirmed this directly with the
MassGIS people.


> > Since it is likely that next year we will be importing this data into
> OSM to
> > support addresses, I figured it would be useful to convert the files to
> > format and share them.
> What is the script you're plannng to use for conversion? What is your
> mapping scheme? What is your plan regarding conflation with existing
> data? What is your plan regarding updates?

- I will put up my ugly little script shortly.
- schema, building = yes
- conflation, don't import a building that overlaps with an existing
building in OSM.

I was thinking that this was a precursory step for the import. I don't have
the time right now to lead an import myself. Regardless of who actually
does it, I think getting a lot of eyes on the data is the best starting
point for whatever happens next.


> - Serge
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