Hi - 

I have a question about exporting OSM data.  Pardon me if this is the wrong 
group; please direct me to the correct one if it is.

I'd like to see if I can take .osm format data, and rearrange it - to the 
extent possible - to shapefiles using a pre-existing schema.  What is the 
easiest way to do this?  I know I can always use xml parsers and shapefile 
libraries, but if can get my desired result with config files and existing 
programs - or, most of the way to my desired result - this will save a lot of 
time.  I've seen some already shapefiles at geofabrik.de, but it's in a 
different schema than I'd like, and they drop information that I'm interested 

For instance, I'd like to convert tags "highway=primary" and 
"highway=secondary" into numeric functional road class values 1 and 2, 

I saw a tool called osm2shp, but I don't know if it's possible to fully control 
the schema of the output.

Anyone have experience with this, or have an idea how to do this?  I may just 
write an XML parser to take in the .osm file directly, but I'd appreciate any 
help with making this project as simple as possible.


"You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can 
prevent them from building nests in your hair.”  - Chinese Proverb
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