I should add that I do not intend on changing state boundaries, just
mapping indian nations where I know the boundaries to lie on the ground, as
higher than state, lower than the country, inside the US only, if that
wasn't clear on the admin level argument.  It would still be possible to
render a map without such excluded territory at a state level, since, in
practice, there's a LOT of overlap in responsibilities and jurisdiction.

On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 12:44 AM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:

> OK, given pnroman's git maps, and recent court cases, where's the problem
> in my proposed tagging of indian nations, overlapping states but below the
> US proper?
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 3:01 PM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
>> Looks about right.  So...what's the issue?
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Paul Norman <penor...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> On 2014-06-25 3:36 PM, Steve All wrote:
>>>> Paul Norman wrote:
>>>>> I took TIGER data and produced data showing what some states would look
>>>>> like: https://gist.github.com/pnorman/30244b2984216285735d
>>>> Those are truly excellent visualizations, Paul.  Thank you for
>>>> producing them.  Whether "right" or "wrong" this shows the power of a
>>>> little bit of OSM, a little bit of geojson magic, and a little bit of "what
>>>> if?"  Nice!
>>>> SteveA
>>>> California
>>> In case anyone was wondering how I produced these, I loaded the TIGER
>>> state
>>> and reserve shapefiles into a postgis database, created a new table with
>>> reserves subtracted from each state, used ogr2ogr to pull out data state
>>> by
>>> state into a geojson with simplification, and uploaded to github as a
>>> gist.
>>> I opted not to use OSM data because it was both too large when I only
>>> needed
>>> states, and many reserves are not yet in OSM. Additionally, at the level
>>> of
>>> detail I was after, I knew that TIGER would have no issues.
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