OSM's USBRS WikiProject seeks volunteer mappers (especially those in the eastern USA) to help map pending United States Bicycle Routes. These routes are in the "final final" stage of being proposed: applications by state DOTs to AASHTO for formal approval as actual routes. AASHTO is expected to approve these routes in November, so we have a month or so to get these route data into OSM, where they display as dashed lines in Cycle Map. After approval, we simply remove the "state=proposed" tag, and the dashed lines become solid.

Please see <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_U.S._Bicycle_Route_System>http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WikiProject_U.S._Bicycle_Route_System , a reference and status report for the project. Effective immediately,
USBR 1 in Massachusetts (as an addition to the existing approved route)
USBR 11 in Maryland (the first few miles of which are "seeded" in OSM) and
USBR 76 in Virginia (as a realignment to the existing approved route)
are now pending nominations before AASHTO. While the proposed changes to USBR 76 are now complete in Virginia, volunteers are requested to enter route data for USBR 1 in Massachusetts and USBR 11 in Maryland. Very helpful would be additional experienced OSM mappers, comfortable editing OSM relations, to improve/complete these by adding additional route members to each relation from a soft-copy map and/or text description of the route.

USBRs 36 and 50 in Indiana and
USBR 90 in Mississippi
remain incorrect and need realignment or remain to be entered into OSM as proposed routes.

If you wish to help build our national bicycle network in OSM, please contact me to obtain the AASHTO applications which contain the route data to enter into OSM. The wiki offers technical/tagging guidance, as well as acts as a progress reporting mechanism.

Though this work isn't difficult, each route might take an hour or two of effort. After you complete a route in OSM, one reward is to see the red line of a new, official USBR blossom in Cycle Map layer. This reward is shared with many other on-the-ground participants (cities, counties, state DOTs, the public, stakeholders, bicycle coalition groups...), who also see the route in our widely available map. This encourages more routes to emerge in a geographically friendly way, facilitating harmonious progress and continuing growth in our national bicycle network.

As AASHTO's USBR approval process happens each spring and autumn, talk-us might expect similar requests for (additional) volunteers about twice a year, an important method by which this project grows. Thank you!

USBRS WikiProject coordinator
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