On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Minh Nguyen <<mailto:m...@nguyen.cincinnati.oh.us>m...@nguyen.cincinnati.oh.us> wrote:

Paul Johnson replied:
Nice! OK, so apparently I'm not the first person to think this. Also explains why a vast majority of cycleways, particularly in the areas that taginfo suggests have migrated, aren't rendering on the cyclemap layer. Wonder if we can get Andy Allen to update the style to make use of this scheme.

Paul, I don't know what you mean by "a vast majority of cycleways...aren't rendering on the cyclemap layer." As long as a route relation is tagged as is documented in numerous places in our wiki, i.e. with a minimum of type=route, route=bicycle, network=[lcn, rcn, ncn] and ref= (1, 2 or 3 alphanumerics), OCM renders it as dark blue, turquoise or red (respectively), and "badges" it with ref in a rectangular shield.

I wouldn't hold your breath that Andy will change OCM to accommodate cycle_network values so these become special shields (a la aperiodic/Mapquest Open); without wishing to put words into his mouth, I feel confident he very likely will not do that in any near-term future. But, "laying data groundwork" is important.

So, I do agree it is a good idea to correctly tag these routes with the data and scheme that Minh points you to (this bicycle-specific syntax mimics Interstate, US and state highway networks), as it may very well get "picked up" by a renderer style at some point in the future. But in Cycle Map layer, and soon? Likely not. Andy, if you are reading this, I encourage you to chime in with any clarification of your intentions.

You may also wish to compare and contrast what Sarah Hoffmann's "Lonvia" bike route renderer does with OSM bicycle route data: http://cycling.waymarkedtrails.org/en/?zoom=4&lat=41&lon=-79&hill=1#routes . One major difference between the two is that while Andy's Cycle Map layer (OCM) displays proposed routes, Lonvia does not. Also, the Lonvia renderer uses mapnik/Standard as a "backdrop:" the translucency of this layer can be adjusted with a slider control, as can a hillshading layer, whereas Andy's OCM uses a more customized style without user controls, has "fixed" elevation/contour lines and displays bicycle-specific amenities (such as bike parking, bike shops, water stations, pubs, toilets, crossings, et cetera). However, neither of these two renderers actually parses cycle_network tags (yet). Maybe, someday, but today, no.

I encourage these tags (and yes, taginfo does show them to be both growing in number and becoming more correct) where they are known and able to be correctly entered into OSM. Lay data groundwork!

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