Throwing my hat into this one, I'm thinking the new style also reuses some
of the old style tags and conventions.  That said, since I'm not trying to
automate a driverless bus fleet, I tend to only use the old style method.
Coincidentally, this generally works out well for most situations and is
nicely exportable to GTFS if you want to go full on public transport geek
and set up an OpenTripPlanner instance (stretch goal for me working with
the regional transit systems).

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 3:09 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer <
> wrote:

> 2014-11-27 21:08 GMT+01:00 Saikrishna Arcot <>:
>> Not sure if this is the right list or the tagging list is better, but I
>> see some bus and subway routes in the Atlanta area that use the older
>> version of tagging public transport routes. Should these be updated to use
>> the newer version of tagging?
> it is not clear if the new way is actually better, at least the current
> data stats show that mappers still prefer the "old" method, at least for
> bus stops, as it is simpler (you need just one tag highway=bus_stop instead
> of two: public_transport=platform and bus=yes, for the same information
> content), and the new style cannot be rendered on the main map, because of
> the lack of the bus-key (the rendering db only "knows" that there is some
> kind of stop, but it cannot determine if it is a tram stop, a bus stop or
> whatelse).
> I wouldn't "re-tag", ie. won't remove tags, but you can add the
> public_transport=* tags if you want to support also this scheme.
> cheers,
> Martin
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