Traditional paper cartography has good visual solution for this, including
symbols for trails that become indistinct.
These symbols are quite useful, not supported in Google Maps, and I'd like
to bring them to OSM.

In our case there should also be at least one more level in the hierarchy
for trails:

   - route :  the mapped route represents a general travel corridor there
   may be no visible trail
   - indistinct :  signs of trail travel come and go.
   - informal : trail is distinct, but not officially sanctioned.  This is
   a cut through or use trail
   - normal : trail is distinct and officially sanctioned.

That might be best as three keys.  One relating to the official status,
another to the ease of following,
and the third as to difficulty (e.g. bushwhacking, loose rocks, deep bog).
For OHV trails width
is also a very needed tag.

And any trail may lead to a :

   - Junction.
   - Dead end.  Travel beyond this point is difficult or impossible.
   - Indistinct end.  Travel beyond this point is undertaken regularly, but
   the trail character changes.
   - Unstated end


It's also time perhaps to talk about a "trailhead" symbol.
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