What's the correct tag for unit number, anyway?  This is driving me insane
since it's making it impossible to complete mapping the caravan site I live
in to a level of completeness that you can navigate by without trying to
find the unit numbers (which, stupidly, are all on the utility pedestals at
the *back* of the space, instead of by the roadside where they're not
blocked by slideouts routinely)

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 6:40 AM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:

> That would depend on the navigation app in question, wouldn't it?  If
> we mappers include more data, well structured, complete and up to
> date, app developers will be more inclined / motivated to make their
> apps work with it, I would think.
> I think, based on your email, that you and I are mapping malls in a
> similar fashion.
> Add the whole building with address, name, etc, then add nodes for
> each shop or other amenity.  Include the unit number on the node if
> that is also available.
> This approach seems to work well with hotels (with internal
> restaurant) condo residences with ground floor retail, etc.
> Best regards and happy mapping,
> Richard
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