A related problem with Escondido is that the landuse areas boundaries are attached to road centerlines. This vastly increases the editing effort needed to improve on them later.


On 2015-03-05 13:30, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2015-03-05 1:14 GMT+01:00 stevea <stevea...@softworkers.com <mailto:stevea...@softworkers.com>>:

    What I understand Martin Koppenhoefer to say are essentially the
    same things, but I'm not sure if he understands (or agrees) with
    Escondido having large areas marked as landuse=residential.  These
    are not simply zoned residential (they are), they ARE
    (on-the-ground verifiable) residential.  So it is OK for them to
be tagged as they are.

Yes, I'm saying the same things. In particular, if you ask me about these huge landuse polygons in Escondido, I don't particularily like them. I like detailed mapping, and I believe as soon as someone starts to map the details he'll have to split these polygons into smaller ones in order to keep maintainability. I don't suggest to make them multipolygons and to exclude stuff, this would become a nightmare very soon.

I would exclude (at least) the main arterial roads from the residential landuse and also stuff like this:

And when you did this, you'd already have it all split into much smaller landuse areas.


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