With help from the wonderful folks at Maptime Madison, we're planning on
hosting the first Madison (Wisc.) mapping party on the Spring Mapathon
weekend. Nobody involved has ever organized or even attended a mapping
party, so we wouldn't mind some advice. From reading on the wiki and
various user diaries, I've come up with the following rough plan:

- Meet at coffee shop, distribute Field Papers maps of the area to be
surveyed, GPSrs , cameras, calibrate camera clocks. Mention non-obvious
things that can be mapped, e.g. diet, payment method, collection times,
opening hours, backrests on benches.
- Depending on the number of participants, start surveying all together or
in groups of three to four people. Plan on about one hour of surveying.
- Group works it way toward the final meeting point at the local public
library. Have a least two hours to process data and get it into OSM.
Laptops are available at the library.

Does this sound reasonable? Anything else I should be thinking of?

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