Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> writes:

everything not quoted sounds good.

> Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a OSM tag to describe  “a broad,
> flat, mostly open area in a mountainous region", yet I feel that these
> names are important pieces of information that should be preserved in OSM.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? GNIS classifies these "parks" as "flats",
> but "flats" were not part of the import [3]

I see these parks (e.g. Estes Park, Colorado) as sort of being
geographical features like hills and sort of being (not necesssarily
settlement-based) place names.   So maybe changing them to
place=locality, and maybe also adding some sort of natural=flats tag.

(We don't have this issue in the East.  Flat areas are normal and don't
get named as such.  So I may be off slightly.)

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