Hello OSM Friends,

Most of you are aware November 15-21 is OSM Geography Awareness 
Week.<http://osmgeoweek.org/> In support of this, Missing Maps has been 
coordinating with University groups around the country to host mapathons. While 
some of these groups have experienced mappers among their circles, many do not. 
We would love to get support from OSM users around the country to help with 
training and general questions at these events. This would be a great 
opportunity for local OSM communities to expand their network and share OSM 
knowledge. Plus who doesn't like free food and making new friends?

A list of events have been posted here<http://www.missingmaps.org/>. Keep in 
mind some details are still being worked out so if you are unable to sign up 
online and would like to attend an event, please send me a message and I will 
get you connected.

If there are no events in your area, we can help you host one. Info on how to 
get started with your own mapathon can be found 

If you can't do either and want to help sometime in the future, send me you 
name, contact info and location and we will keep you updated!

Look forward to hearing from you. Happy Fall OSM'ers!

The Missing Maps Team
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