On 2016.09.19. 18:13, Adam Old wrote:
Hello all, I am a fairly novice mapper, although I am learning quickly.
This is my first post to talk-us, so let me know if this is the wrong
place to ask these questions.

I am currently sitting on a "Tree Board" in a small city in South
Florida. One mandate of the board is to survey the existing tree canopy
in an ongoing fashion and to provide recommendations for trimming,
removal, or new plantings, to note diseases and damage, and to collect
species information.

I am a proponent of OpenStreetMap and crowdsourcing as much of the data
collection as possible, as we are without much of a budget or staff. But
I wonder whether this is an appropriate use for OSM, and if so, whether
there are caveats or special things we should be thinking of. One of the
other members of the board is an experienced GIS user, and he also likes
the idea of using OSM.

For the most part we would like to send people out using their mobile
devices and an app like Go
Map!! https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/go-map!!/id592990211?mt=8 or a
paper survey form that we could then update OSM with. Hopefully this
would introduce a good number of new people to OSM as mappers and/or
users. We also were hoping to add some datapoints for the diameter_crown
and height using LiDAR and aerial data. Any suggestions on this?

There is some information that isn't standard for Tag:natural=tree that
would be useful for us in this pursuit, for example whether the trees
are damaged, need trimming, date of last trimming, etc. Maybe that is
too specific to map and we shouldn't add that kind of data? If I were to
add it, would I simply add my own tags? I would like to do this right.

that information is a bit specific, as you mentioned - but if you would properly document how you are doing it, i think it would be an interesting proof of concept project, and there would be no significant harm with placing that data in osm. in the worst case (hopefully never happening :) ), if the data is abandoned, it should be easy to remove those tags for one city as being outdated and becoming useless.

Also, is there a map view with diameter_crown displayed as the actual size?

Also also, is there any thinking on differentiating between palm trees
and other broadleaved trees? Seems like a worthwhile distinction, here
in the tropics.

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dtree suggests tags like 'genus' and 'species' - those seem to cover your need well :)


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