Bill Ricker <> writes:

> On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 2:27 PM, Spencer Gardner
> <> wrote:
>> Is anyone on here familiar with the process that was used to upload MassGIS
>> road data for the state of Massachusetts? I'm noticing a lot of incorrect
>> lane information on one-way residential streets and wondering if the bulk
>> import process could be the cause. I'd love to hear if anyone else has come
>> across this.
> Not intimately knowledgeable here, but aware. I recall there was
> widespread problem with one-way streets because the import was
> inconsistent in one-way polarity. Those are i hope mostly fixed by
> now. I don't recall discussion of lanes, though.

A nit: asq I understand it, the road data is maintained by MassDOT
(formerly > EOT, Executive Office of Transportation), and made available
by MassGIS:

The one-way issue was due to a belief at the time that the EOT/MassGIS
dataset had information about whether a road was oneway but not the
direction, because the direction was somehow proprietary data from some
external provider.  As a result the one-way roads had a FIXME and have
largely been corrected.

> My own street is similar, one-way and we have 1 travel lane plus both
> side parking in reality and it's coded as lanes = 2.

I am unclear on lanes.  It would help to analyze a significant number
(10-25?) of roads, comparing what's in OSM to reality and also what's in
the latest state data.  There could be differences in definition of
what's a travel lane vs parking between OSM and MassDOT.

Definitely at the time, and arguably still, the EOT/MassGIS road data
was vastly better than TIGER.  The geometry is excellent, and road
naming is very accurate -- I've only found one or two errors.

If there is some pervasive issue with lanes, a mechanical edit could
make sense.  But I would like to tread carefully there.

I've added talk-us-massachusetts which is probably more appropriate for
the details.

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